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Tables as a protocol – Programmable logic for databases by Kwil

Kwil describes itself as the first decentralised, community-owned SQL database solution for building advanced dApps and protocols. It enables advanced and more time-efficient decentralised app (dApp) development and deployment by providing a highly scalable SQL database that will feel familiar to developers and builders coming over from the Web2 space.

Recently Kwil announced their latest project update, “Tables as a Protocol.”

So what are Tables as a Protocol?

Simply put, “Tables as a Protocol” allow developers to define custom logic rules for databases that dictate how and when users can interact and write to them.

See, there is a problem right now in the Web3 space.

Everyone in the world of crypto and blockchain talks about decentralisation and Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAOs). DAOs allow for a non-centralised way of running an organisation, or company if you will. But with some use cases, a problem arises.

What happens if (or when) the team of developers stops working on the project?

Any project that wishes for its dApp to exist eternally, while wanting to still be able to service its users in the scenario where its team of core developers (that built the dApp) disbands, must have a database that can support permissionless access and data writes.

So would anyone be able to write whatever they want and whenever they like for such a database? A type of Wikipedia?

Thankfully not, as data integrity and validity is key.

Any user wishing to write to the database must conform to rules set out by the aforementioned team of devs. And this set of rules is where “Tables as a Protocol” comes into play.

Kwil allows its users to create programmable data sets (databases) with their own custom rules (logic) dictating how – and when – users can write to those databases. By implementing this logic into their databases, they are effectively creating permissionless protocols. So no bad actors will be able to write false or malicious data to the database.

Devs can keep their set of logic rules open, changing them when needed. But this would take away from the aspect of decentralisation, as the devs would still be at the centre of all decisions. So, just like you would expect with any protocol on the blockchain, the developers are also able to lock the logic in, setting it in stone, making it impossible to alter in the future.

With locked logic, Tables as Protocols utilising dApps become trustless. So users of these dApps will have peace of mind knowing the schema and access rules to them will not suddenly change.

Programmable logic for databases will open up a whole new world of possibilities for developers who are building the next iteration of decentralised apps. And what Kwil built on Arweave – that boasts a minuscule 14 mins of downtime in its history since main net launch – it will be a reliable tool.

Kwil’s mission is

To build highly scalable, easy-to-use architecture on which decentralised data composability can thrive.

And with this move, they are one step closer to doing so. If you want to learn more about Kwil and their journey ahead, visit their website here.

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