
Trade $STAMP With $AR on Permaswap

Attention to all STAMP protocol users! We are thrilled to announce that $STAMP token has been listed on Permaswap, the only decentralised exchange where users can trade $STAMP tokens. The addition of $STAMP token to the Permaswap provides more liquidity for $STAMP.

What is $STAMP token

$STAMP is the token issued by STAMP protocol which is a special way for users to give feedback to content creators, just like you would click a "LIKE" button on traditional social media platforms. This feedback helps content creators build a reputation and track the popularity of their work.

STAMP protocol allows users to stamp valuable content, and the content creator and user can get $STAMP rewards. Please note that the STAMP token has a max supply of 435,000, and the halving cycle is 1.73 years.

For more information, please check here:

How to trade $STAMP on Permaswap

How to check $STAMP balance

There are two ways you can check your token balance

  1. $STAMP is on the Warp Contract. You can see more specific information on the contract page: STAMP Contract Page. Go to the Contract Current State section and click the balance and then you can find your wallet address and see the balance. Don’t forget to divide 10^12 to get the real balance.

  1. There is a simpler way to do that, go to the everPay deposit page. On that page, you can see your available balance directly.

Deposit assets to everPay

Permaswap is built on the everPay protocol. If you want to swap other tokens to $STAMP, you need to deposit other tokens to everPay first; If you need to swap $STAMP to other tokens, now you need to deposit $STAMP to everPay before the swap.

Check this tutorial: How to deposit assets to everPay

Trade $STAMP on Permaswap

Permaswap is an instant cross-chain DEX network with 0 gas fees. To start trading the $STAMP token, simply open Permaswap and navigate to the trading page. Permaswap is the only platform where you can swap $STAMP token for $AR, $ETH, $USDC and so on. This ensures that our users have a secure and reliable platform to trade $STAMP token, without needing to worry about the risks associated with other exchanges.

Tutorial: How to swap token

Earn trading fees by adding $STAMP/AR liquidity

There’s a 0.3% fee for swapping tokens. This fee is split by liquidity providers proportional to their contribution to liquidity reserves. You can earn trading fees by the following steps:

How to add liquidity

You can follow this tutorial to add liquidity:

Permaswap allows you to choose any price range when adding liquidity, which will improve the utilisation of the pool. When you add liquidity to Permaswap, you must pay more attention to the price range. You can choose any minimum, maximum exchange rate, or full range, which will determine the token price.

So, what are you waiting for? Start trading $STAMP on Permaswap now and enjoy instant trading.

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